Friday, April 07, 2006


Well, it happened again. A freak occurrence has yet again ruined an otherwise enjoyable athletic endeavor. I decided to get a couple runs in at the courts at Gold's after a little convincing from the 9 guys trying to run 5s. While I didn't play very well--mostly due to the fact that I had just completed a rather exhausting full-body workout with my pops--my presence on the team alone was enough to carry us to several consecutive victories (even beating the highly-touted team led by none other than former Cougar standout, Mike Hall). The competition declined rather precipitously the last couple games and I was about to call it quits and head for home and homework, but hoping to get in at least a couple more decent shots, I decided on just one more run. I can't believe I haven't learned my lesson yet. Everything bad always happens in that "one more game." So we started out to a quick lead and then after successfully defending a one-on-three fastbreak, I grabbed the ball on the rebound and pivoted to head upcourt. In the midst of the pivot my non-basketball shoes turned awkwardly and so did my ankle. While I wasn't greeted with the typical burst of heat that accompanies an ankle injury, I knew I was done. This wasn't the time to gut it out and finish the game, this was the time to retreat quickly and immerse my ankle in a large bucket full of icewater. Lest anyone feel the need to question my courage or competitive drive, this picture is actually from intramural football when I sprained my ankle after a stupid former cheerleader fell on it right before halftime. In the face of overwhelming odds and totally bitchin' pain, I came back in the second half, completely dominated the opposing team with a balanced offensive attack, and handed them a crushing defeat. This, however, had nothing to do with winning an ever-elusive intramural t-shirt and garbage ball at Gold's is not worth worsening an injury.
So anyone that wants to come comfort me and soothe my wounds is more than welcome. I'll be lying on the couch with my foot immersed in icewater. Except of course when I'm blogging when I should be working on my 30-page lobbying paper.


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