Thursday, March 16, 2006

Intercollegiate Meat Judging

One time during my undergraduate education at the BYU I was walking on campus and was approached by a lovely young lady. She asked if I was one of the young men who had just performed a musical number during the devotional. It just so happened that i was. I had a friend at the time who was a member of the football team and as the devotional speaker for that day was none other than our beloved former football coach, LaVell Edwards, my friend was given the opportunity of organizing the musical number. You may or may not find it important and/or interesting to note that my friend was a very large man of polynesian ancestry and that all the other members of our small ensemble were also of the large, polynesian persuasion. During the devotional the University President chose to introduce us current and former players under coach Edwards. Somehow he had gotten the wrong information, since only one person in our group happened to have ever been a BYU Football Cougar. So back to the young lady. She mentioned that we had done a good job and that she enjoyed the performance. Never one to take myself too seriously--ok, I take myself too seriously quite frequently, but I can still laugh at myself--I remarked how it was funny that we had been introduced as football players when we weren't in fact said football players. In response to my jocular statement, she replied, "So you aren't on the football team?" When I smiled and confirmed my status as being non-football oriented, she simply said, "Oh," and walked away.
While this is a rather humorous look at the college social scene, it also marks the closest I have ever come to being used for my body (and/or social standing, but for the sake of this blog entry I'm going to just lump it all together). While some might think of that as a bad thing, it's really the only thing I've ever wanted. Forget about being respected and appreciated for my mind and talents, use me for my body! I AM a piece of meat!

Intercollegiate Meat Judging


Blogger V said... aren't on the team?

4:46 PM  

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